Saturday, 12 October 2013


Sorry for not updating you all. The organizing is actually done. But I haven't been posting much, because I have HUGE news. So unfortunately, I'll be absent a little.

But it's so worth it, because I'M DOING MY FIRST JEWELLERY SHOW. I finally got the news that I have been accepted to the Jewellery, Fashion and Gift show, hosted by Grand River Shows.

So, obviously, I'm getting everything organized because it's November 15 and 16, and I'm on vacation in Florida the WEEK before. I'm working my fingers to the bone, but it's so worth it. 

I can't believe it.

The show is in Kitchener, Ontario, at the Kitchener City Hall rotunda. Free admission. So if you're in the area, come by and see my booth! Let me know you found me online, and you'll get a free pair of my knot earrings.

I've also created a Facebook event, if you want to say you're going, or even if you can't make it, just show your support!