Friday, 27 September 2013

Organizational Diary, Entry 1

My Workspace

Hi, my name is Lea, and I’m a messy person.

I’m not ashamed to admit it anymore. I’m messy. But I’m that kind of organized messy. I don’t like everything all tucked away and hidden because I want things at my fingertips. I think that makes me lazy too.

Toolbox, which has overflowed to the table beside it
As my business and skills have grown, I’ve accumulated a lot of materials. My current organizational system is not working. Bags upon bags of jump rings, opening up and overflowing. They are nearly impossible to sort through, and at this point, I can’t even close my toolbox.

My space is also in the family living room, much to the chagrin of my mother.

So this is what my space currently looks like. It feels a little like a bomb went off. I have tools and supplies and accessories everywhere, not to mention regular living stuff, such as my drink, my gerbils, and my computer bag, and occasionally the cat.

I can’t do this. I can’t work in this mess. So my parents and I came to an agreement. I’ll be getting a
small bookshelf, and it will go in the living room, close to my workspace with everything easily accessible, but tucked away enough that everything looks neat. No more digging, no more exploding bags, no more mess.

These are my before picture. Over the next week, I’ll be sorting, labeling, and putting things away so I can be organized. I’m not entirely sure when the bookcase arrives, so things will probably be a little more messy before they are perfect. But that’s okay because that sort of mess means progress.

I’m really looking forward to having a space that is organized and easy for me to work with.

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